Tuesday, March 27, 2007

How about them Tigers?

Well everybody it appears that summer baseball in Detroit has become real popular. Nothing like a trip to the World Series to boost sales. It is standing room only on the weekends throughout the summer at Commerica. How do we feel about Memorial day weekend? Sunday is an 8 pm game on ESPN. Saturday is also available at the moment. Please let me know. It appears to be a hot sell in D-town.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Tigers game.

This post is to inquire from anyone inside the Labarge family if they would like to come root on the Yankees as they play on August 25th in Detroit. Now I know I may have upset some of you by that last sentence, so If you would prefer to root for the Tigers, I won't hold it against you. There also will be a post game fireworks show. It appears that the price range is $15-20 a person. I will need to know rather soon, most likely by Sunday so I can place the order before they sell out the game. Fireworks plus Yankee bashers as well as a select group of Yankee fans will make the game sell quicker. I just figured I could invite some family members seeing you live close and LOVEEEEE the Tigers. So if you could let me know asap that would be great.
The coolest guy in WISCONSIN.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Rachel is AMAZING!

Here are the wedding photos: http://www.pictage.com/photodisplay/PHOTODISPLAY/status.xml?producer=photodisplay&xsl=/xsl/v3/customer.xsl&JServSessionIdphotodisplay=jqq6z2bb11.JSA83&realname=Rebecca+Young&view=customer

if you can't access them that way go to www.pictage.com and look at the ryan and rebecca young wedding. I'll figure out a better link later! The pics are amazing!

the event key is " LaBarge "

Friday, March 09, 2007

Rachel's pictures

Hey Family!
Rachel launched her photography website yesterday. Check it out- there are some great pictures of some great people we all know and love!!!!


Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Oh the fun of coaching...

Last night, both of the teams I coach had a game in Fennville. Apparantly a girl quit because she wanted to ride the bus home with her boyfriend. She didn't tell me though- she just didn't show up. I started 6 players and (the inevitable), one girl is sulking on the bench because she didn't start. So the girl's mother (who's in the stands) sends a messenger with a NexTel, so they can "chat" about how unjust I am. I look over at my player and say, "don't talk on the phone during the game". She then hands me the phone (in the middle of a game) where the mom is looking at me from the stands and yelling at me over the NExtel saying "don't you yell at my daughter".
"I'm in the middle of a game" I say. "I can't talk to you!"

So after the game, (which both my teams won), the mom comes up to me. The conversation is as follows:
Angry mother- "don't you tell me when I can and can not talk to my daughter. I'll talk to her anytime I please".
Me- "it's a pretty normal rule that you can't talk on a phone during a game".
Angry mother- "don't get smart with me. If you had a daughter, you could talk to her anytime you wanted."
Me- "I think we just have two different views of the situation. In my opinion, that kind of thing is not acceptable. You're not doing you're daugther any favors by making her think that she can do whatever she wants".
Angry mother (who is even angrier)- "I'll do what I want!!!! She's MY DAUGHTER!!!!! SHe told me that you don't like black people!!!!"
Me- rolling my eyes...
Angry mother- "Are you rolling your eyes at me?!!?? Don't get smart with me!!"

So all this time, there is another mother waiting throughout the crazy conversation. After angry mother finally leaves, she comes up to me. I think she's going to say something like, "don't worry- she's just irrational, good game, etc." The conversation is as follows:

Mother #2- "I was waiting for your conversation to be done. WHat I want to tell you is- why is one of the players wearing spandex when everyone else is wearing shorts? Does she think she's better than everyone else?"

This morning, two of my players got suspended for 5 days for trying to pull each other's hair out. Apparently, one of them called the other one a "skank".

I love coaching 8th grade girls!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

From Sun to This?????

Well, we made it back from our cruise (I wasn't too sure if that was going to happen while we were landing in Chicago - let's just say it was a BIT ROCKY!!!). The trip started out with me taking Dugan to the ER Sunday morning for strep throat, running into the house and then leaving for vacation. We got to Midway and as Ben and I tried to pack away our coats in my suitcase before we checked the bags, my zipper on the suitcase broke!!! There was no way to close the suitcase. Fortunately, the airline had a handy-dandy duffle bag (I think it held more than my suitcase). So in the middle of this huge line and the airport, I was transporting all my items to a duffle bag!!! Other than the above events, the trip was wonderful. We went out of Miami, to Nassua in the Bahamas (no, we didn't see any Anna Nicole landmarks!!), Royal Caribbean's private island, Cocoa Cay, Bahamas (it stormed for a majority of the time but Ben did get his snorkeling in), Key West, Florida (my favorite), and back to Miami!!!
Here are a few pictures.

Ben climbing the rock wall on our boat.

I guess this picture is self expanatory!!!

I took this in Key West, Florida for our niece!!!

Now it is back to reality, COLD, COLD, and SNOW!!!!!
Carrie, happy late birthday. Sorry we couldn't call you!!! Hope you had a wonderful day!