Tigers game.
This post is to inquire from anyone inside the Labarge family if they would like to come root on the Yankees as they play on August 25th in Detroit. Now I know I may have upset some of you by that last sentence, so If you would prefer to root for the Tigers, I won't hold it against you. There also will be a post game fireworks show. It appears that the price range is $15-20 a person. I will need to know rather soon, most likely by Sunday so I can place the order before they sell out the game. Fireworks plus Yankee bashers as well as a select group of Yankee fans will make the game sell quicker. I just figured I could invite some family members seeing you live close and LOVEEEEE the Tigers. So if you could let me know asap that would be great.
The coolest guy in WISCONSIN.
I would love to go. It sounds like a great time, but I have to do a wedding that day. Is there another day that could work?
Does the 30th of June, August 4, 11, work any better for you gus/gals?
I'll go whenever- count me in!!!
Those dates work better. I'm good with any of them.
Jackie and I would love to go, any time you listed would work, but I do get to look over your shoulder to see how you mark the scorecard.
Count the Kuipers' in - we would love to go! Any of those dates is great - just let us know...
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