Monday, October 30, 2006

Christmas Exchange

I was just wondering what everyone thought of the LaBarge siblings Christmas present exchange this year. If we are doing the same as last year I was wondering if we could pick names and post it on the blog - since everyone is connected! And Becky, is Ryan joining us this year?? Let me know what you think. I know it is early but I am trying to get shopping done early again this year (Ceci, you can make fun of me all you want on the Radio!). I have to say, I really enjoyed December much better last year having most of the shopping done. Hope you all have a great Halloween! We are not going to make it to Holland to Trick-or-Treat at Mom and Dad's house this year - maybe later in the week though.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

The Last Game of the Season

Well, the Wildcats won their final game of the season with a score of 4-o. Brendan scored 3 of the goals earning him a hat-trick!!! The boys had a good final half of their soccer season. Dugan's favorite position is goalie because when asked he says, "he doesn't like to run around" during the games. It was a COLD and WINDY day, but it was fun to win big. Thank you to Missy and Becky for cheering the boys on last week!!! We had fun having you here!!!

Dugan is goalie in one picture and Brendan is on the left and Dugan is on the far right in the other.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Happy Fall!

We went to our church's Harvest Party the other night so the girls had a chance to wear their costumes (like Raleigh has taken hers off for the past week...) Raleigh is posing with her new smile which is the only smile we can get these days for pictures. I am sure the girls will dress up again on Tuesday - I am still trying to convince Raleigh that the "heel-high" shoes won't work for Trick-or-treating and that she will have to wear her tennis shoes - we will see how that goes over...

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Mattawan La Barges are Connected!!!

Well, yes, the Mattawan La Barge's are connected to the outside world now!!! It may not be as fast as I would like, but dial-up is better than nothing!!! Seeing it has been awhile since we last posted, I wanted to include some pictures.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Pumpkin Pictures

Here are some pictures from our fun trip to the pumpkin patch...

More Pictures...

Here are some more pictures from our fun trip to the pumpkin patch...

Monday, October 16, 2006

This week

Just letting everyone know that I'll be back in Holland this week. I'm leaving work at noon on Thursday, and should be home around dinner time. I'll be in town all day Friday and a little of the morning on Saturday. I know that we have to go to the florist on Friday, and also talk to caterers. Is there anything else that needs to be done? Let me know so I can prepare. :) I'll see ya'll soon!!!

Thursday, October 12, 2006


Mom and I went out to dinner tonight to Perkins Resturant and Bakery (we call it Perkins). Mom had the eggs benedict, which she thought was really good, and I had the delux burger, which was only fair. The background music was country, no, hillbilly music. The last song before we left went like this - - This is the cowboy boogie, This is the cowboo oo oo oy boogie, This is the cowboy boo ooo ooo gie. Horrible, and I still can't shake it.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Good Week

It's been a good week this week. The Tigers are leading the A's series 1-0. It reminds me of the days of my youth when Alan Trammel was still "the man". Also, I've given up caffeine for now, which means no more morning coffees or soda 18 times a day. The withdrawal headaches are nearly over, but aparently people at work would rather me be a coffee drinker than a non-drinker. This was subtly brought to my attention today when I was joyously telling one of my co-workers about the Tiger's win last night, and another co-worker plopped down a LARGE starbucks cup in front of me. "It's decaf my friend, but you still need it. Smokers have patches, coffee drinkers have...well, decaf". :) Also, it's 4 months until the wedding, and after speaking with my NASCAR driving wedding coordinator, we've gotten a lot done and things are on their way. I'm much less stressed about it now than I was before, and I'm looking forward to coming home soon. I don't know when that will be but I'm tyring to figure that out. Hope all is well back home. Love you guys.

Monday, October 02, 2006

It's October and you know what that means...

Goodbye cookies,

goodbye cake,

goodbye anything good to bake!

Goodbye chocolate

goobye chips,

goodbye licking it off my lips!