Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving Family!

We spent most of the day with the Youngs, and catching up with Ryan's brother and sister-in-law who just got in town from Oklahoma. They're able to stay in Milwaukee through Christmas before they get stationed in Hawaii for the next three years. Melodie got to spend the day with her Young cousins, and had a great time. Madelyn and Melodie got along famously, and Melodie even ate some of the string that her cousin so nicely fed her. We were thankful that the girls celebrated Thanksgiving with some sharing of their own. :) After a long day, and a number of outfit changes because of Melodie's upset tummy, we've finally gotten home and have the little one in bed.
Can't wait to see everyone soon! Much love,
The Youngs

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Newest Member of the Stocking Family

Come and get it! Love, Grandma

Happy Birthday Aunt Ceci

We wish we were there to give you guys a nice quiet date night! Love you and happy birthday!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Got Missy?

Missy made it here last night and we've had a great time!!! The kids were all fighting over who got to play video games first with her, who got to sit by her, etc. Even Clancy wanted to hang out by Missy this morning. We ate in Downtown Chattanooga last night and toured around the mountain this morning. We wish she could stay . . .

Look at those great moves!!!

Fall picture from a couple of weeks ago.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Guess the sicky now...

Even though it's Piper going to the doctor, it's Ellie who is sick. I think the picture says it all. Poor Ellie. And, yes, I am trying to keep them as separate as possible. Good Times. Good Times.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Piper Jean

Born: November 8, 2008 @ 8:14pm
Weight: 8lbs, 1oz
Length: 21 inches

Saturday, November 08, 2008


Here is our newest - Piper Jean Roberts! 8 lbs. 1 oz. Born 11-8-08 at 8:15 pm. She's perfect Praise the Lord!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Nice to know that my daughter wasn't the only one who gave them away at the polls!

Voting Expereince...

This morning I took Elliana to vote with me. Her class had a mock election yesterday and they talked about the election, so I thought it would be a good learning experience for her if she went with me. She was asking a lot of questions during the whole process, and then watched me fill in the circles. After I filled in the circle for my presidential choice, she yelled out, "Dad, I can't believe you voted for ___________." After yelling that out, the entire room looked at me and laughed.

Oh the joys of taking your 6 year old with you when you vote.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Fall Fun...

Here are the Roberts families' costumes. Elliana and Mallory were cowgirls. However, towards the end of the night Mallory acted and looked more like someone who had a rough night at Mardi Gras. She even had beads around her neck and was hyped up on sugar.

My costume, well, was a lot of fun to through together - especially the fake tan lines. (By the way, the golf club is not part of my costume, but I have seen guys that look like this playing golf at West Ottawa Golf Course!)

Happy Halloween!

We had our first Halloween here. It was a beautiful night. The kids got lots and lots of candy. Brendan was Commander Foxx from Star Wars, Dugan was black Spiderman, and Daphne was Sharpay from "Bop to the Top" which is her favorite song!

Clancy even got into the action and went as a fireplace!