Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Thank you from RALEIGH

Raleigh wants to thank everyone for coming to her party and for all of the fun presents. She has been playing with her stuff non-stop. We are glad you could come to the build-a-bear party too. Next time Melodie and Mallory have to come. Thank you again!!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Raleigh!

Happy Birthday Raleigh!
I'm sorry Uncle Ryan, Melodie and I can't be there, but we'll help you celebrate this weekend! :) I hope that you have an awesome day, and a great time at build a bear! Much love,

Uncle Ryan, Aunt Becky and Melodie Joy

Friday, July 25, 2008

Raleigh's 5th Birthday Party!!

You are all invited to Raleigh's 5th birthday party at our house on Monday, July 28th at 6 pm. I am not sure what we are having for dinner but it will be easy and there will be cake and icecream. Raleigh would like Ellie and Daphne to come to Build-a-Bear with her on Monday afternoon - I will work out details with Ceci and Janet (Missy, you can come too if you want). We hope you can come but it you cannot - we totally understand!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Day 2

As you can see, I told Ellie that she doesn't have to be in the middle for every picture. Ellie's upset. Raleigh's upset because she said, "hey- why does Ellie get to be the middle for every picture?" and Daphne is busy being uncontroversial.

As you can see, though, everything ended up great. Well, it did take a little prodding to get Sydney out of those pajamas!!

Slumber Party Day One!

As you can see, the girls are happy! We're decorating cupcakes, making crafts, watching Daphne play video games... all fun stuff!

First, Aunt Judy's Pool

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Slumber Party Preparation

Ellie informed me that she needed to come over at "4am in the morning" to help set up for the slumber party. I took her to Great Party to help me pick out party supplies instead. As we all know, Ellie has OCPPD (obsessive compulsive party planning disorder), and when we walked into Great Party Store, her eyes got as big as saucers! An hour and many purchases later, we walked out of the store with tons of brightly colored party crap and happy hearts.