I can't wait to see everyone's costumes!
I came home from doing road tests this morning, fixed myself some lunch, then looked up and noticed that Mom had some new jeans. "Are those jeans new?" I asked. Jackie shook her booty (like Ellie did at church, or was it more like Mallory?), and replied; "QVC! Two pair w/shipping for under $40.00!" A little while later she was sitting on the kitchen floor, still wearing her new QVC jeans, as well as her HSN tennis shoes, scrubbing out a grease stain using the banana cream she got from one of those (and happy as a lark because "IT WORKS!). Now, as my daughters are aware, we have everything from 3 kinds of specialized pillows (which go well with the QVC SUPER CHUNKY flannel sheets), to a big and showy almost real 2 caret diamond ring ($30.00 on HSN). Now I know that mom is busy and doesn't have the time or the energy she once did to go out shopping, and we are getting things we do need, but it's hard for me as a non shopper to believe some of the claims that the personalities selling their products on TV use, and which I hear repeated from Jackie. I am a natural skeptic, so when mom tells me something like "These are shoes for women, designed by women, who understand what feels good on women" I wonder (unspoken), "Isn't Nike a 50 billion dollar company which might have put a little thought into what women want?" But hey, the shoes do feel good on her. I could go on and on but I have to keep getting up to answer the door because of the rash of UPS and FED EX deliverys bringing (I'm told) christmas presents for the grandkids. I really wasn't worried until I walked past the TV which was showing QVC and noticed a little insert on the right bottom corner that said; "Jackie, Call NOW!"
Name......... Who you have for Christmas