Party Pics for Becky
The LaBarge Kids always really get into it. I saw Brendan take a large spoonful of green frosting and slowly bring it over to a cookie to the right of the purple frosting, leaving a 1 inch wide x 1/2 inch deep trail, over the table, through the purple frosting, to the cookie. Daphney loves sprinkles. In fact, when it was over, her plate was an inch thick with frosting and multi-colored sprinkles, and after first using her finger to scoop out the mess to her mouth, she started dipping the cookies in it, which turned out quite nice. Dugan has always been an artist with cookies, what more can I say?
Mallory has an amazing abiltiy to retain a lot of frosting around her mouth. Raleigh always takes longer to decorate, because it's - decorate, eat, decorate, eat. Sydney started out by grabbing the biggest cookie, held it with both hands, and decided after it was half gone to pour on the frosting. And of course, Ellie loves to decorate with a lot of colors, but is not really a cookie eater.
And last, here is a picture of the clean-up elves, gaily dancing to an Evie tune. Missy is hidden because she fell down the stairs while transporting a plateful of just cooked cookies, hurting her bum, and so she needed a little extra protection. Lots of sugar, lots of fun, no fights this year, priceless.
Thanks for posting the pics Dad, they're great, it looks like everyone had a great time, and we're sorry that we missed it. Perhaps next year Melodie will be ready to join the fun...or at least be passed around to hold. :) Can't wait to see everyone at Christmas.
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