The Boys (and Girl) of Summer
Well, we have officially started the Little League Season and said farewell to soccer for now!!! The boys have enjoyed baseball so far and so have Ben and I. Brendan has machine pitch and it is quite something to watch. I don't know if I would want to be at the receiving end of that machine!!! He even was catcher once. He has been doing a great job and his team is undefeated so far!!! It is a fun age to watch because they can make some plays. Dugan is playing T-ball but they just started coach pitch. Each kid gets three pitches and if they miss them all, they get to use the T. I have to say, they are all so darn cute at this level - it is fun to watch. Baseball is a wee bit slower paced than soccer, but at least the weather has been sunny!!! Daphne does okay watching the boys because she started gymnastics and they will have to watch her one of these times, and the Little League Fields have a concession stand that we frequent quite often!!
So, if you are ever in the mood for some baseball, come on down to Mattawan. The boys usually have a game on Friday night or Saturday mornings!!
Enjoy the pictures!
Awww! Thanks for the pictures. Looks like everyone is doing great. We'll have to take in a game some Friday night.
Can't wait to see you guys next week
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