Friday, August 04, 2006

Pictures..and blah blah


Things have been going well in Milwaukee. Ryan took me to the Wisconsin State Fair tonight. We found out one IMPORTANT THING...I think that I'm actually allergic to animals!! We walked past the animal stalls and I broke out itching all over. That part wasn't fun, but the cream puff was good, as were the cheese curds and bratwurst. I think that I'm actually turning into somewhat of a Wisconsonite. However, we did avoid the breweries, so I suppose that I can't reeeeeallllllly ever be a full-blooded Wisconsonite, so don't worry. :) Here's a couple of pictures from the past couple of baseball games I've been at with Ryan. The first is at the Tigers game with our sweet seats. The others are from the Reds game that we went to a couple of weekends ago. The other girl in the picture is my current roomate.


At 6:58 AM, Blogger Dave Roberts said...

Cool pictures Becky. I was wondering when we were going to see pictures of the Jeep? I was getting tired of looking at my Mississippi post.

At 6:57 PM, Blogger carriekuipers said...

Thanks for the pictures Becky. Please just come home so we can see you!

At 8:13 AM, Blogger Becky said...

Thanks guys...I'm coming home soon. And I also bought a converter for my camera flash drive so that I can just plug that into my computer and directly get the pictures onto it. It has made things a lot easier! Looking forward to being there in a couple of weeks. I miss you guys


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