Thursday, May 04, 2006

Connecting The Dots

A 16 year old kid comes into my office for a road test today. Nice shirt and pants - short haircut, good looking kid. Then his dad enters - narrow face, mustach, long thin and greasy hair, torn jeans and a long black T shirt with "MEGADEATH" on the front. I get the documents and ask for the money, and in a gravely voice he says slowly "Guess I forgot the money." He tells me he only lives a block away and trots out of the office, forgetting to take his auto insurance paper. So you know I'm thinking that maybe a few wires have at some point in time been fried. Anyway, we get through the perliminaries and start riding in the car, so I tell the dad that I always thought that the term "Megadeath" was a little odd because if someone is dead they are not just a little dead, they're dead. You wouldn't say, "Not only are they dead, but they are really, really dead", which would be the actual meaning of megadeath. Unless they are thinking that instead of just one being dead that lots have died, in which case the term should be "Megadeaths". The dad responds, "Well, I'm from the 70's you know, I use to go to see a lot of rock bands. I really never understood the term either". So we get to talking and it turns out that this guy is just a regular dad. He takes his son fishing, to a couple of Tiger games a year, and to see the Lions on Thanksgiving. Which made me think that this guy if so lucky. After Megadeath, the Lions would only seem to be a little dead.


At 7:56 PM, Blogger Dave Roberts said...

Great story. I was wondering if the pictures had any connection with the story.


At 7:40 AM, Blogger MelissaLB said...

Love the lovely pictures! I know the connection dave- that hanging plant isn't just dead... it's... well, you know the rest- "megadeathed". I think Dad's putting in a pitch for his annual Father's Day yard work from you and Ceci.

At 12:42 PM, Blogger Dave Roberts said...

I agree Missy. I think it's a way to say "hey look what needs to get cleaned up!" Also, thanks for the interpretation of the pictures.


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