Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Can you match my crazy day?

First of all, my days are normally pretty calm- not a lot of drama, etc. My economic classes are working on their ad campaigns for their companies they created. Most of my class is downstairs in the computer lab working on their ads, but one group wants to use my classroom upstairs to film a commercial for their company- a teen dance club. (Originally, they wanted a nightclub. They had to make a list of goods & services offerred, and the only good they wrote down was "booze"... um... no way.) I thought it was not a problem for them to use my room. So, about 20 minutes into class, I walk upstairs to check on them. DOWN THE HALL, I hear music pumping out of my room. Hmmmm.... when I get to my room, all the window shades are closed, the lights are off, there's a strobe light blinking, and 20 KIDS ARE HAVING A RAVE PARTY IN MY ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!! No adults- just kids raving in my room.


I walk in and address the ring leader of this whole thing. Here is our conversation:
ME (trying to hide the fact that I'm really pissed off): Where did all these kids come from?
KID: I got them out of other classes.
ME: For what reason?
KID: I told their teachers we were filming a commercial for your class.
ME: Did you use my name?
KID: yeah.


ME: Why didn't you ask me permission?
KID: I didn't think about it.
ME: You have 3 minutes to finish filming this commercial and then all these kids need to get back to class!
KID: I'm sorry. I'm an idiot.
ME: I just can't believe you turned my classroom into a rave...
KID: (pointing to an ACTUAL SMOKE MACHINE in the corner) It's a good thing I didn't plug in the smoke machine I brought. You might have been really mad, hugh???


So then, I'm heading back downstairs to the computer lab, and a classic high school destructive relationship is unfolding in the hallway- 9th graders who I don't know, crying... boy hitting his fist on a locker... stuff like that.

ME: you two need to get back to class NOW.
9th grade boy: but Miss... she just told me...
ME: I don't care. Get in class NOW
9th grade girl: but Miss... I'm pregnant.


At 2:02 PM, Blogger carriekuipers said...

Now if only they would have actually turned the smoke machine on and had someone call the fire department...

Too funny - glad I am not in high school any more!

At 6:55 PM, Blogger ryan young said...

Was their any "booz" a the party?

At 7:37 PM, Blogger MelissaLB said...

You know, the thing is that the kid really is a great kid. He wasn't trying to be naughty. He just got so excited about his commercial. We had a really good talk AFTER I calmed down, where I explained to him exactly why the 20 dancing kids in a dark room at 9:30 in the morning caused me to flip my lid. He ended it by saying, "and Ms. LaBarge... thanks for not writing me up"

At 3:49 PM, Blogger Bob said...

Maybe we could use a smoke machine at our next cookie celebrate party.

At 8:51 AM, Blogger Ben & Jan said...

Maybe you haven't assigned them enough homework!!!


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